Use just datetime.fromisoformat(row['Date']) but I didn't have ...READ MORE
I think this might be more of ...READ MORE
Try the following: The formula in F1 (as per my ...READ MORE
If you're using a previous version of ...READ MORE
Hi all, my goal is to automate some ...READ MORE
Although I'm not involved with DevOps or ...READ MORE
If you have duplicates and want to ...READ MORE
Try this: =IF(OR(C9>1200,D9>1200),E9*E$4,E9*E$3) It will determine if C9 or ...READ MORE
Multiple crucial tasks are carried out by ...READ MORE
Pivot Tables are mainly designed to create aggregated data from ...READ MORE
Use the openpyxl module in Python to do that, ...READ MORE
Switch Between Excel Instances Using AppActivate After app-activating, you ...READ MORE
Yes, I can help you with that. To ...READ MORE
Your table dbo.Sup Item Cat refers to ...READ MORE
Try this : Option Explicit '~~> Since we are ...READ MORE
This 201904 is recognised as a number ...READ MORE
When a value is made up entirely ...READ MORE
It is simple to compare once you ...READ MORE
Try this: let columnNames= {"E ...READ MORE
When you press the Display button, the ...READ MORE
Try this: =VALUE(SUBSTITUTE(A1," ", "")) Or select cells with ...READ MORE
You might keep a txt file with ...READ MORE
The original macro was created in an ...READ MORE
Workbooks can be secured against certain actions, ...READ MORE
You get your code to make a ...READ MORE
Hi, I have a dataset related to ...READ MORE
For a cell that is consistent across ...READ MORE
When a message body is created by ...READ MORE
It appears that when a UserForm is ...READ MORE
You could directly publish the data to ...READ MORE
Your desired outcome will not be produced ...READ MORE
Try this: =SUM(IF(AND(H39<=38,H39>=20),1,0),... If so then maybe this is ...READ MORE
To support RTL text direction in the ...READ MORE
Try =INT((YEARFRAC(TODAY(),B3,1))) Where cell B3 contains a date like ...READ MORE
To dismiss the on-screen keyboard, you can ...READ MORE
Please try the following modified code. The ...READ MORE
Just refer to the first column of rng. ...READ MORE
The "used range" might not be accurate. ...READ MORE
Use the reference argument: =CELL("address",L54) From the docs: reference: The cell that you ...READ MORE
So this is the scenario i have ...READ MORE
Yes, it is possible to combine multiple ...READ MORE
I'm currently using Gitlab CI/CD combined with ...READ MORE
Problem we're trying to overcome: We'd like ...READ MORE
I have two slots present in my ...READ MORE
Is it necessary for a QA tester ...READ MORE
How can I switch my career from ...READ MORE
Is it good to switch my career ...READ MORE
Can anyone help me how I can ...READ MORE
Is it possible to switch my career ...READ MORE
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