How do you structure a scalable Express js project with multiple route modules

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How do you structure a scalable Express.js project with multiple route modules?

How should I structure a scalable Express.js project with multiple route modules? I want to keep the code organized as the app grows. What’s the best way to separate routes and controllers for modularity? A recommended folder structure or example would be great.

Oct 25 in Web Development by Nidhi
• 4,940 points

1 answer to this question.

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1. Organize the project into separate directories for routes, models, controllers, and other components to enhance maintainability.

2. Break down the application into smaller, reusable modules for each route group, improving code manageability and readability.

3. Create a separate router instance for each route group to promote organization and separation of concerns.

4. Mount the router instances to the main Express app using appropriate paths, ensuring requests route to the correct handlers.

5. Leverage middleware functions for common tasks like logging, parsing request bodies, and error handling, enhancing code reusability and performance.

6. Design the project with scalability in mind by incorporating caching, load balancing, and database optimization for increased traffic and data.

7. Use a version control system like Git to track changes, collaborate with developers, and manage project versions efficiently.
answered Oct 25 by kavya

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