I have an AEM 6 3 developer certification by Adobe How can this help me in fetching a decent job in the IT sector

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While pursuing my bachelors degree in Information Science Engineering, my college had a MoU with ADOBE and all of us willing or unwillingly had to go through the training and were asked to take up the certification, and luckily i cleared it ;)

How can i use this to my advantage ? What way will this be helpful?
Sep 6, 2019 in Career Counselling by Sam
Paid a lot for this course, did not help me!

2 answers to this question.

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Congratulations on being a Adobe certified AEM developer!

Becoming a certified AEM Developer helps you gain knowledge on most of the features present in AEM. As we all know, AEM is a powerful tool which has a vast number of features which could help you build websites effortlessly. You could use your AEM skills for developing websites.

You could pprobably shortlist a few companies that work on AEM like Wipro, Sapient, Adobe etc and reach out for job openings for AEM developer role.

All the best!
answered Sep 6, 2019 by Sirajul
• 59,230 points
This certification is a waste of time and money. It doesn't help you in anyway in the industry as its a very specific tool used by very specific companies. Better to learn some other open source UI/UX tools.
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As you have certification on AEM, you can apply to companies that are using or hiring for these technologies like Wipro, Capgemini, NTT data, etc. It is a good certification to help in content management solution for building websites and all of their complementary applications, including mobile apps, paperless forms, and online communities.

All the best!
answered Sep 9, 2019 by Cherukuri
• 33,030 points

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