I want to intern in devops niche How can I get into an internship at development or operations side of a devops team

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I am pursuing my bachelor's of technology in Computer Science Engineering with specialization in DevOps in collaboration with Xebia.

Our course curriculum is designed to let us know in depth of devops along with all the tools and practices.

Our course curriculum has labs for all the essential tools for DevOps, and we'll be having a digital badge from Xebia after graduating.

I am have a concern regarding internships.

I want to have an internship in DevOps niche.

It would be very informative for me, How can I get into an internship at development or operations side of a devops team?
Sep 6, 2019 in Career Counselling by Aman Gupta

3 answers to this question.

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Internships in Devops requires you to go an extra mile, coz companies working on Devops, CI/CD usually prefer experienced hires. Nevertheless you could probably try asking for a chance at Xebia itself since your college has an MoU with them. 

You could also look for opportunities via Linkedin by connecting with the people already in the devops domain.

All the best! :)

Accelerate your career with our DevOps Course.

answered Sep 6, 2019 by Sirajul
• 59,230 points
Thank you Sirajul for your answer. I too got an internship at Xebia 2 years back and it was in devops team only. It was really worth it.
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Company's hiring for DevOps profile needs experienced and skilled candidates rather than students or freshers. You could start by connecting to various people working in the same domain either within the family or by means of social media. Linkedin is one place where you can find more opportunities. Small companies or startups can give you chances to work in the domain along with training.

Ready to Build the Future of IT? Start with the DevOps PG Program!

answered Sep 9, 2019 by Cherukuri
• 33,030 points
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I was looking for an internship two years ago and it was very difficult to get one. probably because DevOps has recently started boosting.

Also, DevOps requires you to have experience which will add up to get an internship. But you can try for startups. They provide internships for this role plus you'll get to learn a lot.
answered Sep 9, 2019 by Trisha

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