Can I get a job in Cyber Security without a Degree but with Certificates I have good certificates Like OSCP and CEH Is it compulsory to have a degree

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Dec 17, 2020 in Career Counselling by rajas
• 120 points
Did you get any job?

1 answer to this question.

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Hi, @Rajas,

A great option for many is a certification, and the perfect industry to enter with certification is cybersecurity. A cybersecurity certificate is also a good option for those who work in the IT field, as a way to expand career goals and even get a promotion.

Keep in mind that even with this possibility, the lack of a college degree does not work well in your favor as far as your cybersecurity career options go.  

Just because we can get a job in cyber-security without a degree, doesn’t mean we should avoid pursuing a degree completely.  Attending a college security program offers a number of other benefits that are guaranteed to help you at some point in your career moving forward. College programs are usually very good at helping us build up our writing skills and communication ability because they often require written assignments or writing and speech classes.  Soft skills like written and verbal communication are highly prized by cybersecurity employers because it’s often a challenge to find an employee that knows technology and can communicate well with customers. 

To know more join our Cyber Security Course today.

answered Dec 17, 2020 by Gitika
• 65,770 points

Yeah, you are right. But getting a degree needs 5-6 years including 11th and 12th and as we know a degree don't teach us any important topics related to cyber security and everything is outdated. and so if I put all that money and time for certificates then I will have better knowledge of the field. I asked this because I know that degree is waste of time in context of knowledge but I just wanted to know if I can get a job without it. If I can't get a job then that's a problem, knowledge is not the problem, we have many other good source of knowledge.
many say that this Industry has less people so they see the skills and not degree. I hope that's True!!
anyway, Thanks @Gitika for answering.

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