To solve class imbalance during image generation tasks in GANs, you can follow the following steps:
- Class-Conditional GANs (cGANs): Incorporate class labels into the generator and discriminator.
- Weighted Loss Functions: Assign higher weights to underrepresented classes in the discriminator's loss.
- Oversampling: Generate more samples for underrepresented classes.
- Data Augmentation: Augment samples from underrepresented classes.
Here is the code snippet you can refer to:
In the above code, we are using the following steps:
- Class Conditioning: Embed class labels and combine them with input noise or image.
- Weighted Loss: Use class weights in the discriminator loss
- Oversampling: Generate more samples for minority classes to balance the dataset.
Hence, this approach ensures GANs handle class imbalance effectively during training and generation.