To train an N-gram language model using NLTK for text generation, you can refer to the following:
- Tokenize the Text: Split the text into words.
- Create N-grams: Generate N-grams (bigrams, trigrams, etc.) from the tokenized text.
- Train the Model: Calculate the frequency of each N-gram and store it in a frequency distribution.
- Generate Text: Use the N-grams' probabilities to predict and generate the next word in a sequence.
Here is the code reference you can refer to:
In the above code, we are using the following:
- Tokenization: The input text is tokenized using nltk.word_tokenize.
- N-gram Creation: The ngrams function is used to generate bigrams from the tokens.
- Model Training: The bigrams' frequencies are computed using FreqDist.
- Text Generation: Starting from a word (e.g., "I"), the next word is predicted based on the frequency of its bigram pair.
Hence, this simple N-gram model can be extended to higher-order N-grams (e.g., trigrams or 4-grams) for more complex text generation.