How can I write a code example for training a simple Variational Autoencoder VAE in TensorFlow

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With the help of code, can you tell me how I can write a code example for training a simple variational autoencoder (VAE) in TensorFlow?
6 days ago in Generative AI by Ashutosh
• 5,650 points

1 answer to this question.

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In order to write a code example for training a simple Variational Autoencoder VAE in TensorFlow, you can refer to the below code snippets:

In the above code, we are using Encoder, which Maps input to latent space with a mean (z_mean) and log variance (z_log_var), Reparameterization uses a custom layer to ensure differentiability, Decoder that reconstructs data from latent space and Loss, which combines reconstruction loss and KL divergence.

Hence, the code above trains a basic VAE on the MNIST dataset.

answered 6 days ago by techgirl

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