Seems like hadoop path is missing in java.library.path. ...READ MORE
In the query mentioned in your question, ...READ MORE
I executed the same code and it ...READ MORE
Try this, first stop all the daemons, ...READ MORE
You can use the job object to access the ...READ MORE
Follow these steps to set the map ...READ MORE
Hive has a relational database on the ...READ MORE
Yes, there is a trash policy in ...READ MORE
Sqoop supports SSL/TLS data transfer with the ...READ MORE
One of the reasons could be different ...READ MORE
Suppose we want to write a 1 ...READ MORE
First start the mysql server: service mysqld start To ...READ MORE
When you have Hadoop Eclipse plugin installed ...READ MORE
In the command, try mentioning the driver ...READ MORE
Follow the below steps to execute the ...READ MORE
Hey @supriya. Seems like you have not set ...READ MORE
You have to add HADOOP_CLASSPATH environment parameter: expor ...READ MORE
Try this: sudo service hadoop-master restart After that try ...READ MORE
Hello. "The system never lies :-P". The service ...READ MORE
If your block size is 64 MB, ...READ MORE
You can use the following commands in ...READ MORE
You can use the get_json_object function to parse the ...READ MORE
/user/cloudera/data1 is not a directory, it is ...READ MORE
There are a few options for backup ...READ MORE
Follow these steps: Stop namenode Delete the datanode directory ...READ MORE
hadoop jar hadoop-multiple-streaming.jar \ ...READ MORE
Step 1: Create includes file in /home/hadoop ...READ MORE
Multiple files are not stored in a ...READ MORE
This can be solved making use of ...READ MORE
When the application master fails, each file ...READ MORE
Sqoop stores metadata in a repository and ...READ MORE
To find this file, your HADOOP_CONF_DIR env ...READ MORE
hdfs dfs -put input_file_name output_location READ MORE
You can do that by selecting the ...READ MORE
ACID stands for Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, and Durability. Until ...READ MORE
You need to sort RDD and take ...READ MORE
Hey. You can use the following commands ...READ MORE
The main difference between HDFS High Availability ...READ MORE
Input Processing Hive's execution engine (referred to as ...READ MORE
Pig can be used in two modes: 1) ...READ MORE
A MapReduce job usually splits the input data-set into ...READ MORE
Try to restart the mysqld server and then login: sudo ...READ MORE
Follow these steps: Step 1: Import all these hadoop ...READ MORE
Initially in Hadoop 1.x, the NameNode was ...READ MORE
The command you are using is wrong. ...READ MORE
Hadoop framework divides a large file into ...READ MORE
Sqoop is used to transfer any data ...READ MORE
Follow these steps: First start hadoop daemons: cd $HADOOP_HOME/sbin ./ Now ...READ MORE
Yes. It is not necessary to set ...READ MORE
Yes, one can build “Spark” for a specific ...READ MORE
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