What are the challenges of project management

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Hi Team, I have given a task to make a report on what are the biggest challenges faces as a Project Manager and how can they overcome those challenges. 

Can anyone insight me with the challenges and how do Project Managers solve those? 

Thanks for helping.

Jul 22, 2020 in PMP by Roshni
• 10,480 points

recategorized Sep 3, 2020 by Roshni 1,622 views

1 answer to this question.

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Managing projects is tough. We hear a lot about the project management challenges that project managers commonly face. Here I have created a list of project challenges that become a reason for project failure and how can we overcome those:

  1. Keeping Teams on The Same Page: Managing a team that is widely spread out is one big challenge for project managers. to keep track of teams on the same page and ensure no missing tasks.


  • Bring all your team and client conversations about a specific task on a single page to avoid digging through long email threads.
  • Every project includes a schedule and a team working for that project. Stay on top of your schedule and know what’s coming up with calendar views. 

      2. Poorly Defining the Goals And Objectives: The project managers and team members might not be knowing what exactly to expect from the project. If the goals and objectives are not clearly defined, the project is doomed to fail.


  • Setting a goal is inclined towards developing a proposal and then defining objectives.
  • When you know your goals, you can define the objectives that are how, why, and what you need to do for project planning.

      3. Insufficient Team Skills: Most of the time, the team members are assigned to their availability, not for their expertise for many projects. If team members are trained enough to perform assigned tasks, it can put the development in a risky spot.


  • Document the core set of skills needed to accomplish the workload and analyze the strengths and weaknesses of the team members. 
  • If required, train them to enhance their knowledge and end the skill gaps.

      4. Miscommunication Cause Conflicts: Communication skills are the project manager’s greatest asset. No matter if you are giving instructions, asking questions, or seeking information, there’s always a challenge to provide clear and open communication. Issues as an excuse or explanation for unfinished tasks, projects don’t meet deadlines, conflicts, or not working together.


  • Determine proper communication flows for project members and develops a way to inform what information needs to be informed to project members.
  • You can also take help using cloud base project management solutions such as ProofHub to ensure that project members are in the loop of the recent developments in the project. 

      5. Risk Management: Projects don’t go as planned so risk management is one of the major project management issues that project managers have to deal with.


  • Although it’s difficult to predict every potential risk but with Strategic planning and collecting information beforehand.
  • Project managers can anticipate which part of the project is likely to fail. With that information, he/she can develop control measures that can help them to deal with the risks accordingly.

I hope this piece of advice will be helpful to you.

answered Jul 22, 2020 by Gitika
• 65,770 points

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