How to innovate as a project manager facing challenges in the entertainment industry because of streaming

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I've been working four years in the cinema industry, as now streaming platforms came more relevant, cinema is facing a crisis of fewer attendees, also because of content with is less relevant every day.

Do you think project managers could innovate to contribute to the entertainment in the cinema?

Sep 16, 2020 in PMP by Roshni
• 10,480 points

1 answer to this question.

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Regardless of the position or role someone has in the organization, it is always recommended to "do" things outside the role functions. This provides a two-fold win: on one hand, increases exposure which could eventually play a big role in moving up the ladder; on the other, it fills up the personal development blank.

Thus, I recommend you to contribute by thinking of ideas to bring more people back to the movie theaters. Reach out to people in your organization, or outside, obtain their engagement, and start the journey. Even if it does not lead to a finalized product, or deliverable, it will have provided you with ideas and knowledge that they can nothing but help you in every facet of your life.

answered Sep 16, 2020 by Gitika
• 65,770 points

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