What is the difference between document and dashboard

+1 vote
I cannot get difference between the two terminologies of MSTR. Please help!
Jun 26, 2018 in MicroStrategy by Akrati
• 3,190 points

3 answers to this question.

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MicroStrategy document contains objects representing data coming from one or more reports, as well as positioning and formatting information. It is used to format data from multiple reports in a single display of presentation quality. When you create a document, you can specify the data that appears, control the layout, formatting, grouping, and subtotalling of data, and specify the position of page breaks. It has:

  • Page headers
  • Document headers
  • Detail headers
  • Detail
  • Page footer
  • Document header

MicroStrategy dashboard is an interactive display that you can create to showcase and explore business data. You can add simple visual representations of the data (called visualizations) to the dashboard to make the data easier to interpret, perform manipulations on the data to customize which information to display, organize data into multiple sheets and pages to provide a logical flow to your dashboard, and so on. You can quickly and easily create a polished dashboard without requiring a lot of design time using visualizations and pre-defined, presentation-quality formatting.

answered Jun 26, 2018 by sophia
• 1,400 points
0 votes

Hello Akrati,

Actually, there is no huge difference and few minute things bring about a thin line of difference.

The dashboard is more like a movie is used for visual representation where we use widgets, graphs and other functionalities.

The document is like a book which has a limitation where my data is restricted to grids and in achieving complex business. It has

Page headers, Document headers, Detail headers, Detail, Page footer, and Document header

A MicroStrategy document displays data coming from multiple reports, with the data laid out and designed in presentation-quality format. Most data on a document is from one or more underlying datasets. A dataset is a standard MicroStrategy report. Other document components that do not originate from the dataset, such as static text used for a title or heading, page numbers, and images, are added by the document's designer and are stored in the document's definition.

A dashboard is a special type of document. A dashboard is commonly only one page long, is intended to be viewed online, and usually provides interactive features that let analysts change how they view the dashboard’s data, as well as what data they are viewing.


Badri Nath

answered Jun 13, 2020 by Badri
• 140 points
0 votes
Hi Akrati ..

Basically there is no huge difference and few minute things bring about a thin line of difference.

Dashboard is more like a movie that is used for visual representation where we use widgets, graphs, and other functionalities.

Document is like a book that has a limitation where my data is restricted to grids and in achieving complex business. It has
Page headers
Document headers
Detail headers
Page footer
Document header

A MicroStrategy document displays data coming from multiple reports, with the data laid out and designed in a presentation-quality format. Most data on a document is from one or more underlying datasets. A dataset is a standard MicroStrategy report. Other document components that do not originate from the dataset, such as static text used for a title or heading, page numbers, and images, are added by the document's designer and are stored in the document's definition.

A dashboard is a special type of document. A dashboard is commonly only one page long, is intended to be viewed online, and usually provides interactive features that let analysts change how they view the dashboard’s data, as well as what data they are viewing.

I Hope U Will Definitely Enjoy This Information

Thanks in Advance

Lavanya Sreepada
answered Jun 17, 2020 by digital
• 140 points

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