How can we merge two metrics in microstrategy

+2 votes

I have created those line charts in MicroStrategy 10 visual insights , but I want them to look as a merged chart. How to do so?

May 30, 2018 in MicroStrategy by Daisy
• 8,140 points

recategorized May 30, 2018 by Daisy 4,416 views

2 answers to this question.

0 votes

You can probably do the following:

I got the result by using the combo chart from the visualization gallery. Also make sure that the metrics are in different axes like left and right axes.
Drag and drop the metrics name into the Color By box to give different colors to those metrics.

answered May 30, 2018 by sophia
• 1,400 points
0 votes

So far we saw reporting with one source of data as the source. But we can also add more than one data source to the same report. In such a case, we can use the attributes and metrics from both the sources in creating the visualization. The result appears as if we are dealing with one source of data. This happens because MicroStrategy combines both these sources and internally treats them as one.

Following are the steps to combine two source data sets and create a visualization.

Step 1:

Create a report with one source of data. We will use All_sales.xlsx in the example. Next, click the New Data menu as shown in the following screenshot.

Step 2:

Now you can see both the data sources available under the Dashboard. The attributes and metrics of both of these sources are available under their respective names. 

Step 3:

Next, drag the attribute “Business Line” from All_sales.xlsx to the rows box. Drag the attributes “customer segment” and “Product Category” from the second data set to the rows box in Microstrategy application online. The grid visualization appears showing data from both the data sets.


Suresh Prabhu

answered Feb 8, 2019 by Suresh
• 720 points

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