What is the difference between Mongodb and Hadoop

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Feb 16, 2018 in Big Data Hadoop by satish
• 120 points

10 answers to this question.

+1 vote

MongoDB is a NoSQL database, whereas Hadoop is a framework for storing & processing Big Data in a distributed environment. 


MongoDB is a document oriented NoSQL database. MongoDB stores data in flexible JSON like document format. The fields can vary from document to document, and it gives you the flexibility to change the schema any time. MongoDB is a distributed database, so it provides high availability & horizontal scalability. You can perform real-time aggregations & ad-hoc querying. You can easily map the documents to your applications. 

To know more go through this blog:



Hadoop is a collection of software which is used to store & process big data. 

Hadoop Ecosystem - Edureka

Core components of Hadoop are HDFS & YARN. 

HDFS (Hadoop Distributed File System) is the storage part of Hadoop. HDFS file system stores data in a distributed environment, so that data can be processed in a parallel manner. YARN (Yet Another Resource Negotiator) is the resource manager in Hadoop. YARN is the one which allocates resources to various job which are getting submitted to Hadoop. 

On top of YARN, you have multiple tools which can be used to process data. You can either write Mapreduce programs or execute Pig or Hive queries. HBase is again a column oriented NoSQL database which runs on top of Hadoop.  

I would recommend you to go through these Hadoop Tutorial & hadoop ecosystem blog:



You can even check out the details of Big Data with the Azure Data Engineer Course.

Hope this will help!

To know more about it, get your Mongodb certification today.


answered Jun 20, 2018 by jenny_code
0 votes
MongoDB is just a Database whereas hadoop is a collection of different tools known as Hadoop Eco-system.
answered Dec 6, 2018 by Tori
0 votes
From a Data-storage perspective, mongodb stores data in collections whereas hadoop stores data in a different file system called HDFS.
answered Dec 6, 2018 by Rohan
0 votes
MongoDB is a database used to provide greate performance for DBMS. Hadoop is used to handle Big Data and is not an optimal choice for Small data
answered Dec 6, 2018 by Corry
0 votes
Hadoop can store any format of data. Be it structured or unstructured. But in case of MongoDB, it supports limited data formats (Json or csv)
answered Dec 6, 2018 by Mrunali
0 votes
MongoDB is just a single Database but Hadoop is a set of Tools. MongoDB is cheap compared to Hadoop setup.
answered Dec 6, 2018 by Guna
0 votes
MongoDB is good for memory handling but it lacks optimization whereas Hadoop can optimize space and utilize it.
answered Dec 6, 2018 by Sushant
0 votes
Hadoop is used to deal with data when the data is being used for analytics purpose. MongoDB is used for real-time data processing/usage
answered Dec 6, 2018 by Rakesh
0 votes
Hadoop is used for Big Data. So, the processing is time is more (mins or maybe hours) but in MongoDB, processing time is in milliseconds so it is more suitable for real-time applications
answered Dec 6, 2018 by Remo
0 votes
Apart from the similarity that they are both used to manage data, they are very different. Hadoop is a framework and MongoDB is a NoSql database
answered Dec 6, 2018 by Deeraj

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