What is the difference between Hadoop MapReduce and built-in MapReduce

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What are the key differences to do map/reduce work on MongoDB using Hadoop map/reduce vs built-in map/reduce of Mongo?

When do I pick which map/reduce engine? what are the pros and cons of each engine to work on data stored in mongodb?
Sep 11, 2018 in Big Data Hadoop by Neha
• 6,300 points

1 answer to this question.

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Differences are as follows:

  1. Hadoop's MR can be written in Java, while MongoDB's is in JavaScript. 
  2. Hadoop's MR is capable of utilizing all cores, while MongoDB's is single threaded.
  3. Hadoop MR will not be collocated with the data, while Mongo DB's will be collocated.
  4. Hadoop MR has millions of engine/hours and can cope with many corner cases with massive size of output, data skews, etc 
  5. There are higher level frameworks like Pig, Hive, Cascading built on top of the Hadoop MR engine.
  6. Hadoop MR is mainstream and a lot of community support is available.

From the above I can suggest the following criteria for selection: 
Select Mongo DB MR if you need simple group by and filtering, do not expect heavy shuffling between map and reduce. In other words - something simple.

Select hadoop MR if you're going to do complicated, computationally intense MR jobs (for example some regressions calculations). Having a lot or unpredictable size of data between map and reduce also suggests Hadoop MR.

Java is a stronger language with more libraries, especially statistical. That should be taken into account.

answered Sep 11, 2018 by Frankie
• 9,830 points

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