How Can I scrape the phone number from just dial website

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I am scraping the phone number from just dial but it shows phone number as a blank and I am using Data Scraping. The URL is below:

Mar 17, 2020 in RPA by Asheesh
• 140 points
Could you provide the code that you have used for data scraping? Are there any errors that you are getting?

This blog might help you, check this out

No, Don't get any error. All data like Store Name, Address are visible but the phone number area is blank. Please see screenshots: 


Try to use Get Text or Get attribute activity to get the contact number
From Get Text or Get attribute, how can I find all the phones numbers and other details like Store Name and Address

Hey, @Asheesh,

You can go through this:, I hope this will help you.

Thanks for getting back to me.

I did the same and follow these steps and get Store Name, Address, Category..etc. but not be able to get or fetch phone numbers. Please check the screenshots,

1 answer to this question.

0 votes

It seems the mobile numbers are in SVG format in Justdial (each numberr is converted into an image, and stitched together to make the phone number. Try searching on how to extract SVG and convert that to text.

PS:I am also trying .
answered May 29, 2020 by Jag
Did you find any solution to this?

Hey @There,

Convert image to text with Aspose OCR software: Click inside the file drop area to upload an image file or drag & drop an image file. Click the Scan Image button to start the OCR process. Recognition results will be displayed and can be copied.

For more information please visit here.

1- take screenshot of phone-no div using selenium and save to folder.

2- get text from image, using "tesseract.exe" command tool.  

3. tesseract.exe will extract text from image as text file, you can read this file using any programing language.
0 votes
Hey I guess I have found the solution to that as mentioned in the above answer they are converted into SVG format but svg converter or something like that ill be of no help, I looked over the internet quite a lot so instead what we can do is reverse engineer the website and define the svg values with the reference of their script defining them in the first place at the time of loading.

I have already tried and it works just fine but as it is of no use for me anymore I m not going with the script if anyone require this let me know by commenting
answered Oct 31, 2022 by Arpit

edited Mar 5

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