What is Google Cloud SDK How do I install it

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Why is Google Cloud SDK needed and what's the method of its installation?
Oct 9, 2019 in GCP by anonymous
• 6,260 points

1 answer to this question.

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Google Cloud SDK (Software Development Kit), in simple terms, is a set of tools that are used to manage applications and resources that are hosted on the Google Cloud Platform.

It is composed of the gsutil, gcloud, and bqcommand line tools. The gcloudtool is automatically downloaded with the Cloud SDK.

There are some stipulations or the system necessities for the installation of Google Cloud SDK.

Google Cloud SDK run on specific platforms – Windows, Linux, and macOS and requires Python 2.7.x.

Some specific tools within the Google Cloud SDK might have further necessities like Java tools used for the development of Google App Engine needs Java 1.7 or the later one.


There are four different ways for the installation of the Google Cloud SDK. As per the necessity, the user will choose any of the following to install Google Cloud Software Development Kit.

  • Using Cloud SDK with scripts or continuous integration or continuous deployment – during this case, the user will install google cloud SDK by downloading a versioned archive for a non-interactive installation of a specific version of Cloud SDK.

  • By running Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7/CentOS 7 – YUM is used to get the latest released version of the Google Cloud SDK in the package format.

  • Through running Ubuntu/Debian – APT-GET is employed to get the most recent free version of the Google Cloud SDK in the package format.

  • For all the other use cases, the user will run the interactive installer to install the latest version of the Google Cloud SDK.

Hope this helped!!

To know more about Google Cloud, It is recommended to go for Google Cloud Certification training today.

Thank you!

answered Oct 9, 2019 by Sirajul
• 59,230 points

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