Learn One in All or All in One

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Hi, I had asked this question multiple times to my seniors, but still not satisfied with the answer. Can you give your suggestions?

Should I pick a domain I like and learn tools from one domain or learn few tools across domains?
Sep 3, 2019 in Career Counselling by pallavi

In my opinion, avoid being "Jack of all trades but master of none". Take up one domain and make it your lifestyle, get an expert hold on it such that nobody can dare to challenge you in it. This will take you places professionally.

4 answers to this question.

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If you have a particular interest in a specific domain and want to have a career in the same then learn different tools from the same domain, else it's better to have ground skills on various tools when you want to switch your career to a different domain or company.

I have seen a few people who had an interest in one domain but later due to different reasons would switch to a completely different domain or tool with no knowledge about. So its best you learn 2 or 3 other tools as well along with the domain technologies of your interest. As a fresher, you can have different views on industry and tools, but companies can add you to any department that needs help and train them accordingly after initial training.

Hope it helps!
answered Sep 3, 2019 by anonymous
• 33,030 points
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I think it is better to maintain a 70:30 ratio. 70 to pick the domain you like and then learn it in depth. This will help you become an expert in that domain. The other 30, learn other technologies or domains. This is just to have an idea of what's going in the industry. And also because if later in time, you wish to switch domains, you wouldn't have to start from scratch and you will have a decent idea on which domain to switch to.
answered Sep 9, 2019 by Kumar
@Kumar, I completely agree with you. A person should learn about different domains and technologies to keep themselves updated with the market but should also be proficient in one domain. I have been working in IT from last 3 years and this is what I have learnt that if you keep juggling between different technologies then you might be a part of different projects and can contribute to them but you can never be an expert to one technology.

And this factor might affect your career, when you try switching job from a startup or small company to a big company. Mostly big MNCs prefer professionals who are experienced in one specific domain as well as has good idea about different tech stacks.
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It is not a good idea to be a "Jack of all, master of none". Choose the domain you like and master it. I have been working in the IT industry for 15 years and out of my experience, I have learnt that if you want to make a mark, you have to be an expert. Look into different domains, then shortlist the domain that you are interested in. Then master it.


answered Sep 9, 2019 by Selvaraj
0 votes
There is no point learning a few tools from all domain. Also learning just tools in one domain is not going to be enough. If you are working with DevOps, learning different automation tools, configuration tools, CI/CD tools with cloud service providers.

In reality, in an organization nobody just uses few tools from a tool stack, they are usually used with many other tools.
answered Sep 10, 2019 by Bhagya

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