What steps to avoid and learn from your first job

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What are things to avoid and learn from your first job?
Sep 3, 2019 in Career Counselling by anonymous
One thing you should avoid is "taking things for granted" attitude. First job is an opportunity for you to be open to lots of learning, and is crucial for your career aspirations.

3 answers to this question.

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The first job in every fresher's career make you learn responsibilities, grow the network, communicate and shape your future career. 

So follow proper etiquettes whether while working in your cabin or inside the company premises.


1. Always have a good communication.

2. Help anyone when required.

3. Dress well and be on time.

4. Give suggestions when required.

5. Learn from your team members.

6. Give in your full for the work.


1. Improper language (Yelling/ Shouting)

2. Never point or hold grudges with team members or seniors.

3. Don't go late for meetings.

4. Be responsible for the work you have done.

Hope it helps!

answered Sep 3, 2019 by anonymous
• 33,030 points
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"What you think you will do" and "What you actually do" is very different. This is true for most of the jobs. While you are studying or preparing yourself for a job, you have some things in mind and you think you will be working according to that but most of the times you will have to do something different or at least not as much as you expected. So avoid getting de-motivated due to this. You have to learn about the work culture. For someone who has just completed college, the work environment will be different. So give yourself some time and learn this culture

answered Sep 9, 2019 by Sharan
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First few years are very crucial to shape your future. The initiates you take, the work you do, your performance every tiny thing will shape the next job you get, the salary you get, the job role you get.

IT market trends are changing really fast. Companies are not looking for employees with knowledge instead they look for employees that can adapt to new technology and the new market quickly.

Learn and try to grasp as much as you can from your first job. Be very curious and ask a lot of doubts. Question everything and try to find answers. Go ahead and reach out for people in different domains and learn from them as well.
answered Sep 10, 2019 by Mansi

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