Why is first Job Important to shape your career

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Why is first Job considered Important to shape your career? Can anyone explain me the reason behind
Sep 4, 2019 in Career Counselling by sharath

3 answers to this question.

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Hi Sharath,

Let me tell you my experience when I started my first job, I joined in as an intern and then converted full time. It is a new feeling of becoming independent and confident to stand on your own. Especially when you just entered a company as a fresher, they treat with the utmost care. You learn to nurture and build a network, meet people across various domains. The first job shapes your path to the next goal to find better pay and designation. The most important thing I forgot is the paycheck. The first paycheck gives immense happiness and finally time that all those years of your hard work pay off.

In Short, the first job will make you,

1.  Learn to be responsible.

2. Become mature in taking decisions.

3. Start saving money.

4. Create a life plan, career plan.

5. Build professional Network.

6. Gain Experience

Hope it helps!
answered Sep 4, 2019 by anonymous
• 33,030 points
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I think it is because the first job defines who you are and how well you can adapt to a new environment. When you get your job, you are just out of college. You are still in the college mindset, you are not ready with the company mindset and it takes to get used to the work culture. This shows how good you are at adapting to a new environment.
answered Sep 9, 2019 by Tina
Hey Tina, I completely agree with you. While joining first company, you are just a college passout fresher and you get your first industry experience. You get to know how corporate environment is and how things work in an organization. So its always important to learn as much as possible from your seniors or mentors to gain not only technical knowledge but also work ethics and professionalism.
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If you ask me, I'd say every job is important. Some people say that the first job shapes your career because they think that the domain you are working in as a fresher in the domain that you are going to build your career in. But this is false in a lot of cases. Just like all the turns you take and all the roads you choose, determines your destination, all the jobs matter and all the jobs contribute to shaping in your career.
answered Sep 9, 2019 by Karan
To add to Karan's answer, ultimately what matters in the end is how you do a particular thing. It reminds me of a saying "The best insurance for tomorrow is a job well done today!"

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