Is it okay to quit job and learn a new technology

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I am working in an organization for almost 2 years now, the growth is stagnent and also the recognition is almost null. I am giving a thought to learning new technology. Is it okay to quit job and go for it?
Feb 12, 2019 in Career Counselling by Thomas Weeneck

6 answers to this question.

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According to me, quitting your job to learn a new technology is not a good idea. You can learn new technology parallely with your job. There are multiple source of learning now a days. Youtube is the best source, there are many free tutorials. If you want a certification you can go for online courses. The only thing required here is the will to learn, if you have made your mind that you have to learn new technology then, the above said option can be best for you without quitting your job.

All the best.
answered Feb 12, 2019 by Sandhya Kumari
0 votes
If you are not able to learn while working then it is ok to quit a job to learn. But make sure you don't take a long gap as this might affect your impression in front of the recruiters. First, make a plan on what you want to learn and how you want to do it. Then plan the schedule for this. After you have all this ready, then I think it is ok to quit the job to learn a new technology.
answered Feb 27, 2019 by Umesh
0 votes
No. It is not a good idea. If you quit your job to learn a new technology then it clearly reflects one thing that you are not good at time management. I know this might not be true. Maybe you live far from your workplace and spend traveling or you have other reasons why you can't learn while working but irrespective of what it is, this won't give a good impression. You have to somehow make time in your schedule and learn the technology along with work.
answered Feb 27, 2019 by Isha
0 votes
How about you study alongside, probably on weekends? This might be stressful but will be worth it.
answered Mar 11, 2019 by Kim
0 votes
Hi @Thomas, it completely depends on whether you enjoy your work or not and how good you are in time-management. if you think you can give some time to learn any new technology, apart from your office work then its better to continue doing your job and learn something side by side.

But in case you feel you barely get any time for learning or you don't have sufficient time to master a new technology, then you can quit your job and give your time dedicatedly in learning any technology. But keep in mind that the gap shouldn't be more than 2-3 months as sometimes it looks bad on your resume.

Although if you are planning to work on some projects by yourself while learning something, then its worth giving it a try. From my personal experience I am telling you this, I took a break of 2 months to learn something completely new and then got a very good job in the same domain.

I hope this would help you someway.
answered Mar 29, 2019 by Anvi
• 14,150 points
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According to your point, it reflects that the work pressure is not much. So why to leave your job and then learn a new technology? You can do it simultaneously with your work. Already you are working for 2 years, so it won't be difficult for you to manage your time. 

Now a days number of jobs in private sectors are in a bad condition, and if you leave your job and then start learning new things it will take time also. Once you go for some another job, the interviewer surely going to ask you what have you done in past two years and why did you leave your previous company? Make sure you have a convincing answer to it.  

answered Apr 17, 2019 by sumitan

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