Issue with connection on Watson IoT Out node on Raspberry Pi

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So, I'm using a Watson IoT Output (wiotp out) in a Node-RED flow on my Raspberry PI and I'm by its recurrent disconnection and then re-connection.

The connection is configured so that I can send messages to the cloud and successfully have them trigger a flow in my cloud Node-RED instance.

The main issue I'm faced with is when I attempt to send a string array as my payload. The items in my array make it through before the service disconnects. Since I'm limited to 3-5 strings at a time, I lose 195-197 of the 200 items I am trying to send.

Can anybody help my entire payload make it through to the IoT platform?
Dec 20, 2018 in IoT (Internet of Things) by Upasana
• 8,620 points

1 answer to this question.

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The frequent disconnects could be due to the fact that 2 MQTT clients are fighting over the same client ID,i.e, you're unknowingly performing clientId stealing.

You should probably start with the NodeRed console on the raspberry and check what logs do say about the disconnections

You can go to device connection logs in the device drill down panel to get a confirmation on this. You might see something in the lines of "The client ID was reused".

answered Dec 20, 2018 by Shubham
• 13,490 points

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