How do I integrate the RFID RC522 with Raspberry PI 2 and Windows IOT

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Ok so this is what I am trying to do.

I am looking for a way to use the RFID "RC522" on a Raspberry Pi 2.0 on Windows IOT although it is officially not compatible.

The offical one is the OM5577 demo board which  is way too expensive in my country whereas the RC522 is cheap.

Also it works great on Arduino and on Raspberry Pi 2.0 on linux. But unfortunatly not yet on Windows IOT.

Arduino Board in my solution is used as bridge. It isn't an optimal solution; but works well and cost always half the price than the OM5577.

I've found this project and try to convert them into a VS (Visual C++) project with the Windows IOT SIP and IO... I wasn't able to do it.

Let me know suggestions for this.

Thanks in advance.

Jul 5, 2018 in IoT (Internet of Things) by Matt
• 2,270 points

1 answer to this question.

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Since it uses SPI, there shouldn't be a hardware compatibility issue. If you don't want to translate existing Arduino code, Microsoft does have some tech that allows you to use existing Arduino sketches and libraries. You can read more about it here:

answered Jul 5, 2018 by anonymous2
• 4,240 points

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