To resolve conflicts when integrating both Monaco Editor and Gemini API in an Electron.js application, ensure proper configuration of Electron's nodeIntegration and contextIsolation settings to maintain compatibility and security.
Here is the code snippet you can refer to:

In the above code we are using the following key points:
Electron Main Process (main.js):
- Configures nodeIntegration to true to allow Node.js modules in the renderer process, facilitating Gemini API usage.
- Sets contextIsolation to true to enhance security by isolating context between the renderer and preload scripts.
- Specifies a preload script to safely expose necessary APIs to the renderer process.
Preload Script (preload.js):
- Utilizes Electron's contextBridge and ipcRenderer to create a secure communication channel between the renderer and main processes.
Renderer Process (index.html):
- Integrates Monaco Editor using a CDN, ensuring proper loading within Electron's environment.
- Demonstrates interaction with the main process through the exposed API, enabling Gemini API calls.
Hence, by appropriately configuring Electron's nodeIntegration and contextIsolation settings, and utilizing a preload script, you can effectively integrate both Monaco Editor and Gemini API into your Electron.js application while maintaining security and functionality.