To ensure temporal stability when generating sequences of images with CycleGAN for video synthesis, you can follow the following approaches:
- Cycle Consistency: Ensure cycle consistency loss is applied across frames to maintain temporal coherence.
- Temporal Smoothness Loss: Add a loss that penalizes large differences between consecutive frames to prevent flickering or inconsistencies.
- Optical Flow: Use optical flow to align consecutive frames and preserve smooth motion transitions.
- Recurrent Models: Incorporate LSTM or GRU layers to model temporal dependencies between frames and improve long-term stability.
Here is the code snippet you can refer to:
In the above code, we are using the following points:
- Cycle Consistency: Maintains temporal consistency across frames.
- Temporal Smoothness: Reduces flickering by encouraging smooth transitions between consecutive frames.
- Optical Flow: Aligns frames for stable motion.
- Recurrent Architecture: Models long-term temporal dependencies to enhance stability.
Hence, by referring to the above, you can ensure temporal stability when generating sequences of images with CycleGAN for video synthesis.