How do I calculate KL divergence for VAEs in TensorFlow

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With the help of Python programming, can you explain how I calculate KL divergence for VAEs in TensorFlow?
5 days ago in Generative AI by Ashutosh
• 7,050 points

1 answer to this question.

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To calculate the KL divergence for Variational Autoencoders (VAEs) in TensorFlow, you compute the divergence between the approximate posterior q(z∣x)q(z|x)q(z∣x) (usually Gaussian) and the prior p(z)p(z)p(z) (typically a standard Gaussian). Here is the code snippet you can refer to:

Here are the steps you can follow:

  • Compute μ\muμ (mean) and log⁡(σ2)\log(\sigma^2)log(σ2) (log-variance) for q(z∣x)q(z|x)q(z∣x).
  • Use the formula to compute the KL divergence term.
  • Reduce the sum across latent dimensions and average across the batch.

Hence, this KL divergence is typically added to the VAE's loss along with the reconstruction loss.

answered 4 days ago by anupam

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