If you need to set up Jenkins in a Kubernetes environment how would you approach it Can you provide YAML examples for deploying Jenkins as a pod with persistent storage

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If you need to set up Jenkins in a Kubernetes environment, how would you approach it? Can you provide YAML examples for deploying Jenkins as a pod with persistent storage?

This question focuses on deploying Jenkins within a Kubernetes cluster to leverage the scalability and resource management Kubernetes offers. You’ll need to understand how to configure Jenkins as a pod with persistent storage to retain data even if the pod restarts. The solution should address best practices for maintaining Jenkins’ state and handling resources efficiently in a Kubernetes setting.
Nov 14, 2024 in DevOps Tools by Anila
• 5,070 points

1 answer to this question.

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To set up Jenkins in Kubernetes with persistent storage and reliable access:

  1. Persistent Storage: Define a Persistent Volume (PV) and Persistent Volume Claim (PVC) for Jenkins data.

Service Account: Create a Jenkins-specific Service Account to allow necessary permissions within the Kubernetes environment.

Deployment: Deploy Jenkins as a pod using the PVC for persistent storage.

Expose Jenkins: Set up a LoadBalancer or NodePort service to access Jenkins from outside the cluster.

  1. Access Jenkins: After deployment, retrieve the Jenkins admin password and access the service via http://<EXTERNAL-IP>:8080.

This setup provides a resilient, scalable Jenkins environment with persistent data storage and flexible access within Kubernetes.

answered Nov 14, 2024 by Gagana
• 10,030 points

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