Secrets such as API keys or database passwords should not appear hard-coded in pipeline code. You should use the Jenkins Credentials Plugin which securely stores and manages your secrets. To go to the next level of security, you should also integrate a secrets management solution like HashiCorp Vault or AWS Secrets Manager.
Best practices include:
Using Credential IDs: Access secrets in the pipeline by referencing their ID so they aren't logged.
Secrets Rotation: Rotate sensitive credentials regularly and update them in Jenkins.
Restricting Access: Limit use of credentials to specific jobs/teams only and regularly audit credential usage.
For securely managing secrets, use the Jenkins Credentials Plugin to store sensitive information. Integrate with secret management tools like HashiCorp Vault or AWS Secrets Manager for added security.
Example of accessing secrets:

This uses credentialsID for securely storing and accessing the API_KEY in the pipeline without exposing it in logs.