A Node.js application CI/CD pipeline should ideally be built, tested, and deploy-ready with manual input at a bare minimum. Now that we have our stages set up, let's get to the following:
Build: It will install all the dependencies and could compile or build the app if necessary.
Unit Testing Quick test of individual functions or modules run.
Integration Testing: These tests check functionalities of interacting different components.
Use (when applicable): Deploy to staging or production based on branch or tag.
Configure the pipeline in tools like GitHub Actions, GitLab CI, or Jenkins to trigger deployments on code pushes. Define specific actions based on the branch type, such as deploying to staging for the dev branch or production for the main branch. These tools offer a flexible and isolated testing environment, enabling quick feedback on code quality and functionality.
To set up CI/CD for a Node.js application, you can use a Jenkins pipeline or a GitHub Actions pipeline which would download the dependencies, run unit and integration tests, and automatically deploy in case all tests passed. Ensure that all these phases are well-configured in the YAML file to ensure quality of code during deployment.
Example of GitHub Actions YAML:

This pipeline sets up Node.js, installs dependencies, runs unit tests, and then integration tests. You can add additional steps for deployment based on your requirements.