How would you set up automated backups for a Kubernetes database Any example scripts

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How would you set up automated backups for a Kubernetes database? Any example scripts?
Setting up automated backups is crucial for data durability and quick recovery in case of failures. This question explores approaches for implementing automated backup solutions for databases running on Kubernetes, including scheduling regular backups, managing storage, and automating recovery. Example scripts could showcase how to leverage tools like kubectl, CronJobs, or Kubernetes-native backup solutions such as Velero.
Nov 14, 2024 in DevOps Tools by Anila
• 5,070 points

1 answer to this question.

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Automating Backup in Kubernetes for Databases (MySQL or PostgreSQL):
To automate backups, schedule database dumps and save them on persistent storage, which can be within Kubernetes or a cloud provider. Use Kubernetes CronJobs to schedule these backups at specific intervals, such as daily or weekly.

For a resilient solution, store backups off-cluster using cloud-based storage services like Amazon S3 or Google Cloud Storage. This ensures data safety even if the Kubernetes cluster encounters issues. Additionally, tools like Velero can automate backups of Persistent Volumes (PVs), including data, configuration files, and secrets, offering comprehensive recovery options.

Alternatively, you can use Kubernetes CronJobs or even a tool such as Velero for backing up and restoring persistent volumes (PVs) in Kubernetes for the automated backup purpose of databases. For example, using a CronJob in Kubernetes can schedule the periodic execution of mysqldump for a MySQL database with the output written into a secure place, like AWS S3.

Example CronJob YAML:

This setup automates daily backups, storing them in a specified PV, which could be configured to sync with cloud storage for added durability.

answered Nov 25, 2024 by Gagana
• 9,950 points

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