How does hashing work

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I’m learning about data security and need clarification on how hashing algorithms work. How do they transform data into fixed-length hashes, and what are the main differences between algorithms like SHA-256 and MD5? Additionally, why is hashing effective for password storage but unsuitable for encryption?

Any basic examples or analogies to explain hashing would be helpful.
Nov 11, 2024 in Cyber Security & Ethical Hacking by Anupam
• 12,250 points

1 answer to this question.

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The technique of hashing converts any quantity of data into a hash, which is a fixed-length string of letters. It is frequently used in data security, particularly for safely storing passwords and confirming data integrity.

How Hashing Works

  • Input Transformation: A hashing algorithm accepts any length of input, such as a file, message, or password..
  • Fixed-Length Output: The output of hashing is always the same length, regardless of the size of the input. For instance, MD5 creates a 128-bit hash, whereas SHA-256 always creates a 256-bit hash.
  • Unique Mapping: Ideally, a single character change or other little input alteration will provide an entirely distinct hash. The avalanche effect is the name given to this characteristic.

If you hash the word "hello" with SHA-256, it might look something like:


Change one letter (e.g., to "Hello") and the output hash is drastically different:


Key Differences Between SHA-256 and MD5

MD5: Once popular, this algorithm generates a 128-bit hash. Because MD5 is susceptible to collisions, which occur when two distinct inputs generate the same hash, it is currently regarded as insecure.

SHA-256: A 256-bit hash generated by the SHA-2 family, it is far more secure than MD5. It is one of the most often used hashing algorithms for security applications nowadays since it is made to be computationally demanding in order to thwart quick, brute-force attacks.

Why Hashing is Effective for Password Storage

Hashing is commonly used for storing passwords because:

  • One-Way Function: The hashing process is one-way. You cannot recover the original password once you have hashed it. This is important for security since it makes it difficult for someone to recover the original password, even if they manage to obtain the hash.
  • Consistency: By hashing the input and comparing it to the stored hash, you can confirm a user's password because the same input consistently yields the same hash.
  • Efficiency: If a slow hashing method is selected, such as bcrypt or Argon2 for passwords, hash functions are made to be quick to compute while maintaining security.

Why Hashing is Unsuitable for Encryption

  • Non-Reversible: Hashing is strictly one-way. Encryption, on the other hand, is designed to be reversible, allowing the original data to be recovered using a decryption key. Hashing does not store any information that allows the original data to be restored, which is why it’s effective for verification but not for accessing original data.
  • Fixed-Length Output: Hashing reduces data to a fixed length, regardless of the input size, while encryption preserves the structure and length of the original data, which is often necessary for message and data integrity in secure communications.


Here’s how hashing might look in Python using the hashlib library:

import hashlib

# SHA-256 Hashing
password = "mypassword"
hashed_password = hashlib.sha256(password.encode()).hexdigest()

print(f"Original: {password}")
print(f"SHA-256 Hash: {hashed_password}")


Original: mypassword
SHA-256 Hash: 2c5dbd5f7da7e7c3d8c3c8d30545f6329f0b1270af0e785a3c8ef3be8e0d61d9
answered Nov 11, 2024 by CaLLmeDaDDY
• 18,160 points

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