How do you implement version control for infrastructure code and can you share any tips or examples

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This question seeks to explore how version control is used in DevOps for infrastructure code, including techniques and tools applied to ensure consistency, keep track of changes, and manage different versions of the infrastructure. Invitation will be made for a discussion of best practices for using Git branches for feature changes, rollbacks management, and structuring the code toward modularity. Sharing specific examples or tips like using Git workflows or including version control in CI/CD pipelines would further exemplify how infrastructure is being tracked and updated across the environments efficiently.
Oct 28, 2024 in DevOps Tools by Anila
• 5,070 points

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Tools like Git are very heavily used for tracking changes, managing history and collaboration of the teams around infrastructure code. With an IaC project such as Terraform or Ansible, with every modification or update a commit on a shared GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket repo is made. This way not only collaboration takes place and rolling back becomes possible and the changes are clearly defined in the time series change in the infra.

Some important practices when it comes to managing version control on infrastructure code include:

Modularize Code: The infrastructure code is broken down into smaller modules that can be reused. This allows teams to have different versions and updates on specific parts without affecting the entire codebase.

Branching Strategy: Branches can be used for development, testing, and production environments. A common branching strategy involves using feature, dev, stage, and main. This allows isolated environments for testing before deploying it into production.

Commit Frequently and Track Changes: It lets one track the incremental upgrades; the meaningful commit message makes changes in the infrastructures easier to understand

Pull Requests: With a pull request, the team codes get reviewed and approved before implementation to prevent the possible occurrence of errors.

Automation via CI/CD Pipelines: You make use of CI/CD pipelines to automatically validate and also deploy changes to your infrastructures. For instance, a CI/CD pipeline might validate the Terraform configurations using the terraform plan as well as terraform validate commands before pushing the change.

Example: Use the Git to create a new repository. Then, initiate a simple Terraform setup by committing your code change and finally pushing to the remote branch.

answered Oct 29, 2024 by Gagana
• 10,030 points

edited Mar 6
–1 vote

Tools like Git are very heavily used for tracking changes, managing history and collaboration of the teams around infrastructure code. With an IaC project such as Terraform or Ansible, with every modification or update a commit on a shared GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket repo is made. This way not only collaboration takes place and rolling back becomes possible and the changes are clearly defined in the time series change in the infra.

Some important practices when it comes to managing version control on infrastructure code include:

Modularize Code: The infrastructure code is broken down into smaller modules that can be reused. This allows teams to have different versions and updates on specific parts without affecting the entire codebase.

Branching Strategy: Branches can be used for development, testing, and production environments. A common branching strategy involves using feature, dev, stage, and main. This allows isolated environments for testing before deploying it into production.

Commit Frequently and Track Changes: It lets one track the incremental upgrades; the meaningful commit message makes changes in the infrastructures easier to understand

Pull Requests: With a pull request, the team codes get reviewed and approved before implementation to prevent the possible occurrence of errors.

Automation via CI/CD Pipelines: You make use of CI/CD pipelines to automatically validate and also deploy changes to your infrastructures. For instance, a CI/CD pipeline might validate the Terraform configurations using the terraform plan as well as terraform validate commands before pushing the change.

Example: Use the Git to create a new repository. Then, initiate a simple Terraform setup by committing your code change and finally pushing to the remote branch.

answered Oct 29, 2024 by Gagana
• 10,030 points

edited Mar 6
0 votes

Tools like Git are very heavily used for tracking changes, managing history and collaboration of the teams around infrastructure code. With an IaC project such as Terraform or Ansible, with every modification or update a commit on a shared GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket repo is made. This way not only collaboration takes place and rolling back becomes possible and the changes are clearly defined in the time series change in the infra.

Some important practices when it comes to managing version control on infrastructure code include:

Modularize Code: The infrastructure code is broken down into smaller modules that can be reused. This allows teams to have different versions and updates on specific parts without affecting the entire codebase.

Branching Strategy: Branches can be used for development, testing, and production environments. A common branching strategy involves using feature, dev, stage, and main. This allows isolated environments for testing before deploying it into production.

Commit Frequently and Track Changes: It lets one track the incremental upgrades; the meaningful commit message makes changes in the infrastructures easier to understand

Pull Requests: With a pull request, the team codes get reviewed and approved before implementation to prevent the possible occurrence of errors.

Automation via CI/CD Pipelines: CI/CD pipelines can be used to automatically validate and deploy changes to infrastructure. For instance, a CI/CD pipeline might validate Terraform configurations using the terraform plan and terraform validate commands before pushing the changes.

Example: Use the Git to create a new repository. Then, initiate a simple Terraform setup by committing your code change and finally pushing to the remote branch.

answered Nov 3, 2024 by Gagana
• 10,030 points

edited Mar 6

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