When i give WebDriver driver new ChromeDriver

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When i give the syntax
 WebDriver driver=new ChromeDriver();
It is showing error at chrome driver and the fix available is  change the webdriver to chrome driver . It is fine if the syntax is  ChromeDriver driver= new ChromeDriver();
Oct 23, 2020 in Selenium by Suma
• 120 points

1 answer to this question.

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If you use ChromeDriver driver = new ChromeDriver(); the ChromeDriver instance which will get created through that we will be only able to invoke and act on the methods implemented by ChromeDriver and supported by Chrome Browser only. To act with other browsers we have to specifically create individual objects as below :

  • FirefoxDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver();
  • InternetExplorerDriver driver = new InternetExplorerDriver();

WebDriver Interface

From Selenium perspective, the WebDriver Interface is similar like a agreement which the 3rd party Browser Vendors like MozillaChromeInternet ExplorerSafari, etc have to adhere and implement the same. This would in-turn help the end-users to use the exposed APIs to write a common code and implement the functionalities across all the available browsers without any change.

Through WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver(); we are creating an instance of the WebDriver interface and casting it to ChromeDriver class. 

Want to learn more about Webdriver? Enroll for the Selenium Training today.

answered Oct 23, 2020 by Karan
• 19,610 points

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