What problem does pow proof of work solves in blockchain

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Inference from the byzantine general problem: In a distributed system 2/3rd of the system must be honest to maintain a finite state of data.

I've read that proof of work in blockchain can only allow 1/3rd of dishonest nodes( which is same even without pow). So what does pow actually solves?

Apr 8, 2018 in Blockchain by Christine
• 15,790 points

1 answer to this question.

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Proof of Work:

When a miner gets a set of transactions (a block), the miner has to solve a mathematical problem. This mathematical problem can be solved only through brute-force method. When a miner gets a solution to the problem, he broadcasts it to the network. All the other nodes in the network validates this, and confirms whether the solution is right or not. If the solution is right, then the miner gets the reward and the block is added to the chain as the new block.

What does proof of work solve?

Proof of work prevents any malicious activity on the network. Suppose a malicious node tries to add a malicious transaction to the Blockchain or tells that he has solved the mathematical problem (without actually solving it), then other nodes in the network identify this activity and rejects the transaction. This is how proof or work helps in validation of block and provides security. 

answered Aug 6, 2018 by digger
• 26,740 points

selected Aug 6, 2018 by Omkar

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