What do I have to learn to become a software dev engineer

+1 vote
I want to be a software dev/engineer some day. And I'm lost what should i learn first. I'm learning how to code right now. Please enlighten me. Thank you for the answers.
Jun 30, 2020 in Others by anonymous
• 130 points

3 answers to this question.

0 votes
Hey, that's a great career choice!

The fact that you have a clear career goal set well in time would add to your advantage. Learning to code would definitely help you in your aspiration of becoming a software engineer.

I suggest you to take up a particular language (Python or Java) and get well versed with it.

Once you are done with this learn a few frameworks too (Spring, hibernate etc).

You can then explore fields like Data Science, Big Data, IoT, Machine learning etc and build your skillset.

All the best!
answered Jun 30, 2020 by Sirajul
• 59,230 points
Thank you so much for the answer! I'm actually learning python right now and then learn django.
0 votes


Software engineering is an ever-changing profession, one that adapts as new technologies are developed.

As Software engineers may choose to become experts in a single programming language or type of development so you should master with any of the proggraming languge such as java,python etc.

Then start engaging yourself with some real world experience projects to expand skills in specific areas, such as Java, XML or SQL

Then choose between two specializations within software engineering: Applications and Software/systems development. 

Below is a list of example specialty areas of software engineer  to consider:

  1. Web development
  2. DevOps
  3. Mobile development
  4. Programming logic (e.g., Python, Ruby)

Apart from this in industry-Specific Skills,software engineering requires a comprehensive technical skill set and knowledge base that ranges from understanding business requirements to testing products.

Hope this is helpful!!

Thank You!!

answered Jun 30, 2020 by Niroj
• 82,840 points
Thank you so much for this. The list that you gave me helped me understand the areas of software engineer. I enjoy doing web dev since I have a background using html and css and it's fun for me doing web dev. Right now I'm learning python.
0 votes

Hey, @Josh,

Be Clear About Your End Goal. Software engineering never focuses exclusively on coding. However, you should know at least a couple of languages, and a deeper understanding of how they will function.

Another useful aspect of becoming a software engineer is learning how to read other people's code. Nothing like practical experience. You need to start building projects on a language you are comfortable with. By doing this, you not only enhance your learning but also found a potential employer. As you learn how to code, build projects, etc., you should slowly help you to build up your professional network.

Below are given the list of some popular programming languages:

https://Java course

https://python full course

Generally speaking, there are two specializations within software engineering: applications and software/systems development.

answered Jun 30, 2020 by Gitika
• 65,770 points
Thanks a lot for this!

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