Error Import SQL dump into PostgreSQL database

0 votes

We are switching hosts and the old one provided a SQL dump of the PostgreSQL database of our site.

Now, I'm trying to set this up on a local WAMP server to test this.

The only problem is that I don't have an idea how to import this database in the PostgreSQL 9 that I have set up.

I tried pgAdmin III but I can't seem to find an 'import' function. So I just opened the SQL editor and pasted the contents of the dump there and executed it, it creates the tables but it keeps giving me errors when it tries to put the data in it.

ERROR:  syntax error at or near "t"
LINE 474: t 2011-05-24 16:45:01.768633 2011-05-24 16:45:01.768633 view...

The lines:
COPY tb_abilities (active, creation, modtime, id, lang, title, description) FROM stdin;
t   2011-05-24 16:45:01.768633  2011-05-24 16:45:01.768633  view    nl ...  

I've also tried to do this with the command prompt but I can't find the command that I need.

If I do

psql mydatabase < C:/database/db-backup.sql;

I get the error

ERROR:  syntax error at or near "psql"
LINE 1: psql mydatabase < C:/database/db-backu...

What's the best way to import the database?

May 4, 2020 in Database by kartik
• 37,520 points

1 answer to this question.

0 votes


Here is the command you are looking for.

psql -h hostname -d databasename -U username -f file.sql

Thank You!!

Also Read:

Is there a way to connect to a POSTGRESQL DB which is encrypted AES?

answered May 4, 2020 by Niroj
• 82,840 points
psql:laravel-vue123.DB.SQL.sql:156444: error: invalid command \'s

l:laravel-vue123.DB.SQL.sql:151110: error: invalid command \'s
psql:laravel-vue123.DB.SQL.sql:151112: error: invalid command \'s
psql:laravel-vue123.DB.SQL.sql:151140: error: invalid command \'s
psql:laravel-vue123.DB.SQL.sql:151142: error: invalid command \'s
psql:laravel-vue123.DB.SQL.sql:151144: error: invalid command \'s
psql:laravel-vue123.DB.SQL.sql:151281: error: invalid command \'s
psql:laravel-vue123.DB.SQL.sql:151283: error: invalid command \'s
psql:laravel-vue123.DB.SQL.sql:151286: error: invalid command \'s
psql:laravel-vue123.DB.SQL.sql:152409: error: invalid command \'s',
psql:laravel-vue123.DB.SQL.sql:152757: error: invalid command \'s
psql:laravel-vue123.DB.SQL.sql:153978: error: invalid command \'s
psql:laravel-vue123.DB.SQL.sql:154125: error: invalid command \'s
psql:laravel-vue123.DB.SQL.sql:155075: error: invalid command \'s
psql:laravel-vue123.DB.SQL.sql:155138: error: invalid command \'s
psql:laravel-vue123.DB.SQL.sql:155422: error: invalid command \'
psql:laravel-vue123.DB.SQL.sql:155661: error: invalid command \'s
psql:laravel-vue123.DB.SQL.sql:155684: error: invalid command \'s
psql:laravel-vue123.DB.SQL.sql:155708: error: invalid command \'s
psql:laravel-vue123.DB.SQL.sql:155782: error: invalid command \'s
psql:laravel-vue123.DB.SQL.sql:155823: error: invalid command \'s
psql:laravel-vue123.DB.SQL.sql:155883: error: invalid command \'s
psql:laravel-vue123.DB.SQL.sql:155974: error: invalid command \'s
psql:laravel-vue123.DB.SQL.sql:156011: error: invalid command \'
psql:laravel-vue123.DB.SQL.sql:156023: error: invalid command \'DAM
psql:laravel-vue123.DB.SQL.sql:156094: error: invalid command \'automobile,
psql:laravel-vue123.DB.SQL.sql:156131: error: invalid command \'s
psql:laravel-vue123.DB.SQL.sql:156154: error: invalid command \'s
psql:laravel-vue123.DB.SQL.sql:156178: error: invalid command \'s
psql:laravel-vue123.DB.SQL.sql:156252: error: invalid command \'s
psql:laravel-vue123.DB.SQL.sql:156293: error: invalid command \'s
psql:laravel-vue123.DB.SQL.sql:156353: error: invalid command \'s
psql:laravel-vue123.DB.SQL.sql:156444: error: invalid command \'s
psql:laravel-vue123.DB.SQL.sql:156481: error: invalid command \'
psql:laravel-vue123.DB.SQL.sql:156493: error: invalid command \'DAM
psql:laravel-vue123.DB.SQL.sql:156563: error: invalid command \'automobile,
psql:laravel-vue123.DB.SQL.sql:156619: error: invalid command \'s
psql:laravel-vue123.DB.SQL.sql:156660: error: invalid command \'s
psql:laravel-vue123.DB.SQL.sql:156720: error: invalid command \'s
psql:laravel-vue123.DB.SQL.sql:156812: error: invalid command \'s
psql:laravel-vue123.DB.SQL.sql:156849: error: invalid command \'
psql:laravel-vue123.DB.SQL.sql:156861: error: invalid command \'DAM
psql:laravel-vue123.DB.SQL.sql:156931: error: invalid command \'automobile,
psql:laravel-vue123.DB.SQL.sql:157065: ERROR:  syntax error at o

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