Hello @kartik,
The easier way to accomplish this.
First copy your table (or query) to a tab delimited file like so:
COPY (SELECT siteid, searchdist, listtype, list, sitename, county, street,
city, state, zip, georesult, elevation, lat, lng, wkt, unlocated_bool,
id, status, standard_status, date_opened_or_reported, date_closed,
notes, list_type_description FROM mlocal) TO 'c:\SQLAzureImportFiles\data_script_mlocal.tsv' NULL E''
Next you need to create your table in SQL, this will not handle any schema for you. The schema must match your exported tsv file in field order and data types.
Finally you run SQL's bcp utility to bring in the tsv file like so:your bcp MyDb.dbo.mlocal in "\\NEWDBSERVER\SQLAzureImportFiles\data_script_mlocal.tsv" -S trDBServer.database.windows.net -U YourUserName -P YourPassword -c
Hope this work!!
Thank You!!