Is it necessary to install SQL Server database for installing Blueprism

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Is it necessary to install SQL Server database for installing Blueprism? And how it can be installed on Windows 8?
Oct 17, 2019 in RPA by Pratibha
• 3,690 points

2 answers to this question.

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@Pratibha, we first need to have SQL Server installed in our system, then only will we be able to install Blue Prism. So let’s get started with the SQL server installation:

  1. Go to Microsoft official website homepage and from there you can search for SQL server 2014.

  2. Now, select SQL Server 2014 SP2 (Service Provider-2) and click on download by selecting 64-bit or 32-bit.

  3. Click Next, and then it starts downloading.

  4. Once done with the downloading, start the installation of SQL server database.

  5. To begin installation, double-click on SQL server, click Ok and then YES. It then starts the extraction of the setup files. Once it is done, you will get the SQL server standalone installation.

  6. Read the displayed license box and select I agree. click on NEXT after that.

  7. It will ask you to check Microsoft updates. After that, click NEXT.

  8. Now, it will ask for instance name. Provide it if you want to change otherwise you can set default name. Then, click on NEXT.We need to give SQL server browser services to start up automatically as it required by the Blue Prism.

  9. Change the start-up type of SQL server browser to automatic and then Click Next.

  10. Give authentication mode to windows and click Next. Then installation will continue which takes few minutes.

  11. Now, the installation of SQL server has been completed successfully.

If you need to know more about SQL, it is recommended to go for the SQL Certification today.
answered Oct 17, 2019 by Dhanush
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Blue Prism uses a Microsoft SQL Server database as a repository for most data, such as processes, logs, audits, and user information. To keep the installation and setup simple, we deploy Microsoft SQL Server 2017 Express LocalDB for you as part of the Blue Prism Trial and Learning Edition.

Microsoft SQL Server 2017 is supported on Windows 8.1 and above and is only available as a 64-bit installation. Therefore, the minimum requirement for Blue Prism Trial and Learning Edition is a 64-bit installation of Windows 8.1 or above.



Microsoft Developer.

answered Oct 20, 2020 by SRI

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