Should I go for certifications like Redhat or should I work on implementing a project using devops tools

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I am pursuing my bachelor's of technology in Computer Science Engineering with specialization in DevOps in collaboration with Xebia.

Our course curriculum is designed to let us know in depth of devops along with all the tools and practices.

Our course curriculum has labs for all the essential tools for DevOps, and we'll be having a digital badge from Xebia after graduating.

Many of my classmates are under going many certifications (like red hat).

Is that really worth it ?

Or I can just learn and implement those tools in my projects ?

Certifications have very much value in job placements ?

What would be a better option for me ?

  • Certifications
  • Tools and practices implementations in my projects

I am very much confused. Help.

Sep 6, 2019 in Career Counselling by Aman Gupta
Trust me these certifications won't add anything to your knowledge. All they provide is theoretical knowledge or some really simple demos which won't help you in longer run. So its better to learn things by yourself and make mistakes. Making mistakes or getting errors is the best way of learning new things, as you will get to know how to overcome such issues if faced in future.

You start by learning the basics and after that do some small project by yourself. It will give you an idea how to work independently and solve errors by yourself.

4 answers to this question.

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Hey Aman, Certifications would definitely be a value addition to your resume, but what matters in the long run is your expertise in whatever domain that you mention in it.

I suggest you to first get a hold of whatever devops tools/techniques that are taught as a part of your curriculum, and then you could probably think of certifications may be in devops itself based on the latest tech trends or opt for certifications like red hat and other booming techs that would help your career in the long run!

Ready to Build the Future of IT? Start with Our DevOps Engineer Course!

answered Sep 6, 2019 by Sirajul
• 59,230 points
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@Aman, Certifications do add value to resume, but knowledge and skills are what matters. So work on a few projects with the same tools you are learning. This will help you in college placements as well as in your future career. Your projects weight more than a list of certifications in my opinion. You have hands-on experience plus knowledge on the respective tool.

Ready to Build the Future of IT? Start with PG DevOps!

answered Sep 9, 2019 by Cherukuri
• 33,030 points
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Experience vs certification, always go for experience. Working with real-time projects will give you get experience of situations where things can go wrong. And when you face failures is when you learn the most.
answered Sep 9, 2019 by Trisha
0 votes

Hello Aman,

Certification will help you in gaining knowledge while building skills and abilities that are normally required by a senior system administrator to manage Red Hat Enterprise Linux® systems.

RHCE training covers all topics starting from the basic to advance level. Its is a leading certification course for Linux network administrators who configure networking services and security on servers running a Red Hat Operating System. Red Hat Certified Engineer (RHCE) known as “crown jewel of Linux certifications” proves the eligibility of candidates on live systems. It proves your ability to configure networking services and security on servers running Red Hat Enterprise Linux. It also generates a path for new openings in current employers for further advancement in career. With extended skill set, professional can enhance their credibility for greater confidence.

Hope my answer will help,thanks.

answered Jul 18, 2020 by Lily
• 260 points

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