How can I learn RPA Uipath tool without a tutor or paid course

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How can I learn RPA (Uipath tool) without a tutor or paid course?
Sep 3, 2019 in Career Counselling by Devesh
There are a multitude of blogs and resources (videos, tutorials) available online. You could make use of the official documentation as well, it covers pretty much and would be good to start.
You can find self-paced videos and tutorials on rpa tools to learn and work on. There are various rpa communities to learn and help others.

2 answers to this question.

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Hi Devesh, UiPath is one of the most popular RPA (Robotic Process Automation) tool which is used for Windows desktop automation. It can also be used for Web Scraping and automating repetitive tasks and eliminates human intervention. So you can learn UiPath without any paid course or tutor as this tool is simple to use and has a drag and drop functionality of activities. The best part is, UiPath also comes with a Community Edition which is free for lifetime and has most of the functionality of the Studio version. 

So, now to start off with UiPath, you should cover following 3 components:

  • UiPath Studio: It is a designer tool used to create workflows of business processes. UiPath Studio in visual point of view is very similar to other flowcharting software solutions. Studio provides drag and drop feature for adding different activities into the workflow. It also provides various libraries which you can add as dependencies to automate applications like PDF, or Excel or Word etc.

  • UiPath Orchestrator: Orchestrator is a Web based management platform that enables remote control, monitoring, release management and centralized scheduling of Robots and processes. It is facilitated by human robots collaboration and business exceptional handling by using centralized work queues. It also offer analytics and insights in figural reports and dashboards

  • UiPath Robot: It runs the processes designed in UiPath Studio, the same way as Human user does. It works either in a fully autonomous more or Assistance mode. In assistance mode, the humans can trigger processes based on their needs, whereas in autonomous mode, the robots can work unattended in any environment, and handle number of processes without human supervision.

You can go through videos and blogs to understand the concept of UiPath. UiPath provides official documentation for all its activities and methods and has a dedicated forum where you can find solutions of all your queries. You can also perform some basic automation which would make your concepts clear. 
answered Sep 4, 2019 by Abha
• 28,140 points
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There are a lot of online free resources available. Utilize them. You can start of with this:

You have any doubts, there are a lot of communities where you can put your question. Stackoverflow is always a good option. Edureka has its own Community

answered Sep 10, 2019 by Yesha

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