Moving Files from one folder to another using UiPath

0 votes
I want to move all the files from one folder to another. Can anyone suggest how can I achieve this using UiPath?
Mar 6, 2019 in RPA by Ranjan

2 answers to this question.

+1 vote

Hi Ranjan, to move files from one folder to another using UiPath, follow the below mentioned steps one by one:

1. Create a Sequence and create the variables FilesCount and Path. Now assign the value of Path to the Path of your Source Directory.

2. Now add an Assign activity and assign the FilesCount to directory.GetFiles(Path). This will fetch all the files from the source path.

3. Then drag a For Each activity and write item FilesCOunt in "ForEach" & "in" textfields respectively. Also, go to the Properties of For Each activity and mention String in the Type Argument.

4. Finally in the Body section of ForEach activity, add Move File activity and mention the Destination Path in the Destination section of Properties of Move File activity. Also, in the properties tab, go to From section and set item as Path.

5. Now, just run the program and you will see that all your files are moved from one folder to another.

answered Mar 8, 2019 by Abha
• 28,140 points

as I experienced, in  Move File activity Path of From section have to be string. So "item.ToString" have to be used.

+1 vote

if you want to copy and move whole folder along with files at a time then you can use invoke method activity:

1. invoke method activity

In target type : Microsoft.visualBasic.FileIO.Filesystem 

Traget Object  : NA (as the method is static method)

Method Name : CopyDirectory

Now in Parameter Property :  three arguments u should have passed : 

string : source path

sting: destination path

Boolean : true

with the help of this you can move all the files along with the folder in destination path.

answered May 29, 2019 by Venkat
• 320 points
@Venkat, your approach is right but it will copy the complete folder to the destination, while as asked in the question, the task here is to move files from one folder to another.

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