How to get a job if nobody is hiring

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I have attended many interviews in the past few months. I am not getting hired by any company. What should I do?
Feb 14, 2019 in Career Counselling by Anand

3 answers to this question.

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If you are not getting hired then there is something you are missing that recruiters are expecting. If you get a chance to speak to the recruiters, ask them where you lacked. Or even in the interview, when the recruiters ask you if you have any questions, you can add a question asking what do they think you should improve. Then work on it to improve and it will help you get a job. You can also do some freelancing job to gain experience.
answered Feb 14, 2019 by Siddhi
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Hey Anand, if you are not getting hired by any company then you should focus on what's missing in your profile, whether you have an impressive resume or not and focus on the types of questions being asked to you during interview process. Try getting feedback from the interviewer and ask them on which areas you can improve. And most importantly, make sure you apply only for those jobs which you are certain about and for which you have relevant skills.

Also work on your attitude: confidence, positive attitude, team work etc are some vary important virtues which any company would be looking for in any candidate. And if you realize that you don't have any of these qualities, try to build these qualities in you. Work on your communication as well as technical skills, try to do some freelancing work or personal projects and mention them in your interviews. Employers appreciate people who has some initiation and hard-working qualities.
answered Apr 1, 2019 by Dinesh
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Well, don't get discouraged. Take every previous interview that you attended as a cause and overcome that. Then after a few times, you would be able to make it. During the time between interviews try to learn any new technology, language, etc to have good reason for any questions regarding the same.

Have confidence in yourself.
answered Apr 5, 2019 by Ayushi

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