Is creating an AI system like J A R V I S possible

+3 votes

J.A.R.V.I.S.(Just A Rather Very Intelligent System) is one of the most advanced Artificial Intelligence System we have seen. I have started learning AI recently and I have realized that even building a simple AI system is so complex. So, my question is, is it practically possible to build a AI system like JARVIS?

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Nov 27, 2018 in Events & Trending Topics by Haman
• 650 points
how to make jarvis

Hi, @Vignesh,

Go to Start Button > All Programs Right Click on Windows Speech Recognition Macros.

Choose Run as administrator. Then from Notification Area, Right Click on its Icon > Select New Speech Macro.

You can edit the macro command using Edit speech macro. if you want make changes to commands created before.

Can I bild J.A.R.V.L.S.

8 answers to this question.

+2 votes

Yes. It is possible. It might seem impossible now considering the level of Hardware and Intelligence required to build such a system. Nobody would have thought it would be possible for a person to speak to another person who is miles away, but then phones were invented. It's just a matter of time.

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answered Nov 27, 2018 by Krutika
+2 votes

There are a lot of companies working on AI and making it more advanced. There are also teams trying to create an AI like JARVIS (or even better). The rate at which technology is emerging, I think AI like JARVIS will be built in a couple of decades.

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answered Nov 27, 2018 by Shrisha
+2 votes

Yes, it is possible but not in the near future. We are nowhere close to building an AI like JARVIS. It would take decades of research. And I don't think the Hardware technologies that exist would be enough to build. We need more advanced Hardware and Logic.

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answered Nov 27, 2018 by Samarth

edited Aug 11, 2021 by Soumya
+1 vote

We have seen Siri, Alexa, Corona. Even after lots of efforts put to build them, they don't really work perfectly. Sophia, the first robot to get a citizenship of Saudi Arabia. But still not as good as JARVIS. JARVIS is like a proper human assistant. No matter, how hard we try, I dont think we can make a system like JARVIS. There will still be some things missing.

answered Nov 27, 2018 by Sanjeev
It is not Corona it is Cortana
It is possible. Even Mark Zuckerberg has a real sort of Jarvis as expected
Also, Sophia is not an AI but just a chat bot in steroids
0 votes
Yes its possible, technology can do wonders.
answered Nov 28, 2018 by Ali
• 11,360 points
+1 vote
We can definately create JARVIS but It will take a lot of time. As a mcu fan I will be very happy to meet an AI like JARVIS
answered May 20, 2019 by anonymous
Why shouldn't we come together and make it
Yes, we can I believe. But for that we need strong knowledge in Machine Learning, Deep Learning, ANN, CNN etc. We have to start building small small AI model.
I want to make a Jarvis in real life and I promise that a real iron man will be come.......

Hi, @Peter,

Good Luck with your ambitions. 

0 votes
It’s already been made by the hacksmith on YouTube
answered Oct 30, 2020 by anonymous
0 votes
How to make Jarvis
answered Oct 30, 2020 by anonymous
• 140 points

You can make Jarvis. But you need to start step by step. You have to learn lots of things. You can start with ML, AI. Start with some small projects.
0 votes
I think it's possible, obviously possible, the reason behind it is if we compare each and every feature of jarvis and try to analayse it a bit, ( we can't make iron man suit,) but other things for sure, how it is accesible to every part of  the universe that is a long range communication service, and the live on screen display on a air without projectore how Tony does it is also possible, even panasonic has developed a way for that, I am aiming to develop a massive AI just jarvis, I am a bit more interested
answered Jan 9, 2021 by Anshuman

edited Mar 5

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