I m a regular BTech student and was wondering how I can stand out from the others

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I'm a regular BTech student and was wondering how I can stand out from the others?
Nov 16, 2018 in Career Counselling by Ali
• 11,360 points

2 answers to this question.

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Be passionate, follow your dreams and be the best at what you do. People will obviously start noticing you. Build something that's needed by the society or atleast try contributing. All the best
answered Nov 16, 2018 by Maverick
• 10,840 points
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I am not sure to stand out in what field you are asking about. Do you wanna stand out in your career or in the society? There's one good Mantra to stand out in your career 

Be the best at what you do, and do it in time

Improve your skills, be dedicated, whatever job is assigned to you, make sure you do it in time and you are the best at it. When you are best at anything, you will be in the spotlight.

If you want to stand out in the society then build applications, products that are helpful for the society, get patent. 

answered Mar 27, 2019 by Shri
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There are several ways you can stand out as a BTech student. Here are a few tips:

  1. Build a strong academic record: This is one of the most important things you can do to stand out from your peers. Work hard to maintain a high GPA and take challenging courses. Seek out opportunities to conduct research or participate in independent projects.

  2. Gain practical experience: Try to gain as much practical experience as you can. Consider taking on internships or co-op positions, volunteering in relevant organizations or participating in research projects. This will help you gain real-world experience and develop important skills that employers look for.

  3. Develop your soft skills: Soft skills like communication, teamwork, problem-solving, and leadership are highly valued in the workplace. Consider taking courses or workshops that focus on developing these skills.

answered Apr 25, 2023 by isaashbrowie

edited Mar 5

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