Why is data science a hot career path right now

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Why is data science a hot career path right now?
Nov 15, 2018 in Career Counselling by Ali
• 11,360 points

2 answers to this question.

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Think about computer science years ago. The internet was becoming a thing and people were making a lot of money on it. Everybody wanted to become a programmer, a web-designer or anything, just to be in the CS industry. Salaries were super high and it was exceptional to be there. As time passed by, the salaries got lower as the supply of CS guys (and girls) started to catch up with the demand. That said, the industry is still above average in terms of pay.

The same thing is happening to the data science industry right now. Demand is really high and supply is really low, so the salaries are still very high and people are very much willing to get into data science.

To become the expert, its recommended to join Data Science with Python course today.


answered Nov 15, 2018 by Maverick
• 10,840 points
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Mainly because Digital Data has been increasing day-by-day. This data is important and cannot just be erased. It should be efficiently used to make proper use of resources. Data Science is the field that works on things like effectively storing, extracting and delivering data which is very important for many companies that have applications that interact with the customers (ex: Search engines, online shopping sites etc.). Hence, Data Science has good scope now and in the future
answered Mar 19, 2019 by hari

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