Why is Machine learning or Data Science considered better technologies to learn

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Every 3 out of 5 people are crazy over Data Science & Machine learning.
Why is Machine learning or Data Science better technologies to learn when there are more hot technologies out there like Big Data, IoT, etc?
Sep 3, 2019 in Career Counselling by harshini
Data science, machine learning and artificial intelligence are growing at a rapid pace. There is a huge demand for professionals who can dive deep into the data goldmine and help them to dig out data efficiently. It's just that experts in these domains have better career prospects.

2 answers to this question.

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Hi, harshini

Data Science is considered as the sexiest job of the 21st century due to the growth of jobs for data scientists and the number of learners taking up certifications and courses. Machine learning and statistics are part of data science. As data is increasing which is quite valuable, analyzing this information plays a main role in solving problems and finding insights. Data science uses scientific methods, processes, algorithms to extract knowledge and insights from structured and unstructured data. 

Data Science is an art of listening to your intuitions while facing huge amount of data, classifying it, evaluating it and reaching conclusions. As Data Science is an emerging field, there are a lot of opportunities available world across. Machine Learning makes the process easier by learning data and test data. Thus, we can use Machine Learning to make our work in the field of Data Science more efficient.

So Machine Learning and Data Science are the best technologies in salary and career growth.

Hope this helps!

If you wanna know more about Machine Learning, It's recommended to go for Machine Learning course online today.

Accelerate Your Career with Hands-On MLOps Training. Join Now and Unlock your Certification!

Thank you!

answered Sep 3, 2019 by anonymous
• 33,030 points
Hi, can you please mention some of the courses or certifications which I can take to get well-versed with Data Science or Machine Learning. I want to get a job as Data Scientist.
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Hahaha! They are considered the future of technology. Automation will eventually take up all our jobs. The only one that will remain is training or making these automation tools.

Also, do you guys agree with me when I say machines will soon replace humans?

If you wanna know more about the Data Science with Python Training Course Online, go for the training course today!

answered Sep 10, 2019 by Barbara

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