How to scan for ports opened by TCP UDP sockets with Nmap or any other tool

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I want to scan a system for open TCP and UDP ports, but I’m not sure about the best way to do it.

  • Which Nmap options should I use to detect both TCP and UDP open ports?
  • Are there other tools (besides Nmap) that provide detailed socket information?
  • How do I differentiate between listening ports and actively used ports?

Looking for the most effective way to identify open ports and their associated processes.

Feb 7 in Cyber Security & Ethical Hacking by Anupam
• 12,620 points

1 answer to this question.

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To effectively scan a system for open TCP and UDP ports and understand their associated processes, you can utilize tools like Nmap and Netstat. Here's a comprehensive guide to address your queries:

1. Using Nmap to Detect Both TCP and UDP Open Ports

Nmap is a powerful network scanning tool that can identify open ports and the services running on them. To scan for both TCP and UDP ports, you can combine scan types:

  • TCP SYN Scan and UDP Scan: This combination allows you to scan for open ports in both protocols simultaneously.


    nmap -sS -sU [target_ip]
    • -sS: Performs a TCP SYN scan.
    • -sU: Performs a UDP scan.


    nmap -sS -sU

    This command will scan the most common 1,000 ports for both TCP and UDP. To scan all 65,535 ports, add the -p- option:

    nmap -sS -sU -p-

    Note: Scanning all ports can be time-consuming and may trigger security alerts. Ensure you have authorization to scan the target system.

2. Alternative Tools for Detailed Socket Information

While Nmap is comprehensive, other tools can provide detailed socket information:

  • Netstat: A command-line utility that displays active connections and listening ports.


    netstat -anp
    • -a: Displays all active connections and listening ports.
    • -n: Shows addresses and port numbers in numerical form.
    • -p: Displays the PID and program name of the socket.


    netstat -anp | grep LISTEN

    This command lists all listening ports along with the associated process IDs and names.

  • PortQry: A utility that reports the status of TCP and UDP ports on a remote computer.


    portqry -n [target_ip] -p both
    • -n: Specifies the target IP address.
    • -p both: Scans both TCP and UDP ports.


    portqry -n -p both

    This command checks the status of both TCP and UDP ports on the specified target.

3. Differentiating Between Listening Ports and Actively Used Ports

  • Listening Ports: Ports that are open and waiting for incoming connections.

  • Established Connections: Ports that are actively communicating with remote hosts.

    To view both, you can use:


    netstat -anp

    This will display all active connections and listening ports along with their associated processes.

4. Identifying Open Ports and Their Associated Processes

To identify open ports and the processes using them:

  • Netstat:


    netstat -tulnp
    • -t: Displays TCP ports.
    • -u: Displays UDP ports.
    • -l: Shows only listening ports.
    • -n: Shows numerical addresses.
    • -p: Displays the PID and program name.


    netstat -tulnp

    This command lists all listening TCP and UDP ports along with the associated process IDs and names.

  • Nmap with Service Version Detection:


    nmap -sV [target_ip]
    • -sV: Enables version detection.


    nmap -sV

    This command scans for open ports and attempts to determine the version of the services running on them.

Use Cases and Examples

  • Network Troubleshooting: If a service is unreachable, use Nmap to check if the necessary ports are open and listening.

  • Security Auditing: Regularly scan your systems to identify unexpected open ports that could indicate unauthorized services.

  • Performance Monitoring: Use Netstat to monitor active connections and ensure that critical services are running as expected.

answered Feb 13 by CaLLmeDaDDY
• 22,940 points

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