How do I check if a port is open in Nmap

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I’m trying to check if a specific port is open on a target system using Nmap. What’s the best command or syntax to use? Should I use a simple scan, or is there a specific option to check multiple ports at once and get detailed information?
Jan 7 in Cyber Security & Ethical Hacking by Anupam
• 12,620 points

1 answer to this question.

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To check if a specific port is open on a target system using Nmap, you can use the following command:

nmap -p [port_number] [target_ip_or_hostname]

Replace [port_number] with the port you want to check and [target_ip_or_hostname] with the IP address or hostname of the target system. For example, to check if port 80 is open on a system with IP address, you would run:

nmap -p 80

This command instructs Nmap to scan port 80 on the specified target.

Checking Multiple Ports

To check multiple ports, you can specify them in a comma-separated list:

nmap -p 80,443,8080 [target_ip_or_hostname]

Alternatively, to scan a range of ports, use a hyphen:

nmap -p 80-100 [target_ip_or_hostname]

To scan all 65,535 TCP ports, use:

nmap -p- [target_ip_or_hostname]

Getting Detailed Information

For more detailed information about the services running on the open ports, including service versions, you can use the -sV option:

nmap -p [port_number] -sV [target_ip_or_hostname]

For example:

nmap -p 80 -sV

This command will attempt to determine the version of the service running on port 80.

Performing a Comprehensive Scan

If you want to perform a more comprehensive scan that includes service version detection, OS detection, and script scanning, you can use the -A option:

nmap -A [target_ip_or_hostname]

This will provide detailed information about the target system, including open ports, services, and potential vulnerabilities.


To scan ports 80 and 443 on a target system with IP address and get detailed information about the services running on those ports, you would run:

nmap -p 80,443 -sV

This command will display the state of ports 80 and 443 and attempt to identify the services running on them.

answered Jan 8 by CaLLmeDaDDY
• 22,940 points

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