To address the issue of non-convergence in GAN models, you can implement the following strategies below:
- Loss Function: Use more stable loss functions like Wasserstein loss with gradient penalty (WGAN-GP).
- Regularization: Apply gradient penalty to improve discriminator performance.
- Learning Rate Tuning: Adjust learning rates separately for the generator and discriminator.
- Batch Normalization: Use in the generator for smoother gradients.
- Label Smoothing: Introduce slight noise to discriminator labels.
Here is the code snippet you can refer to:
In the above code, we are using the following:
- WGAN-GP: Stabilizes GAN training with gradient penalty.
- Separate Training Frequencies: Train the generator less frequently than the discriminator.
- Hyperparameter Tuning: Adjust lambda_gp and learning rates.
Hence, by referring to the above, you can fix the problem of non-convergence in GAN models.