How can I implement localization and language translations in Power BI reports

+1 vote
How can I implement localization and language translations in Power BI reports?

We are creating Power BI reports that will be used by teams across different regions, each requiring localized content and language translations. I’m looking for the recommended practices to implement localization, including strategies for managing translations and adapting reports for multilingual audiences.
Nov 28, 2024 in Power BI by Evanjalin
• 19,000 points

2 answers to this question.

+1 vote

Implementing localization and language translations in Power BI reports has to be very organized to ensure reports become more accessible and user-friendly for the different teams in the regions they operate in. Here is how to achieve and apply best practices for effective bilingual reporting and localization of reporting:

1. Set Up a Translation Table.

Build a specific translation table inside your data model. Enter different language codes (like en, fr, es) here, along with the corresponding translations of all textual elements in the report—column headers, labels, and titles.

Enable Language Selection

Provide a slicer or add a parameter to the report that enables users to select their preferred language. This would preferably link to a translation table, whereby the text displayed would dynamically change according to the selected language.

Use Azure AI for Text Translation

Use Azure Cognitive Services with Power BI's AI Insights feature to automate dynamic or user-generated translations. For example:

Detect the input text language with Text Analytics API.

Translate the text into the desired language by using the Translator API.

This facility will be most useful for data sets containing open text fields or if new input needs to be translated into the system.

4. Localization of Number and Date Formats

Adapt numeric, currency, and date formats into that region's specific styles. Power BI automatically adapts formats based on the user's browser or system settings, but you can override this using DAX functions such as FORMAT() to enforce a specific format for each locale.

5. Adapt Visuals for Multilingual Environments

Double-check that highly textual views such as tables or graphs do not get cut off in certain languages due to their longer words. Utilize bookmarks and dynamic titles to change between language-safe layouts to achieve such a complex need for localization.

6. Test and Iterate

Test the reports to end users from all regions so that it assures them that translation is precise, culturally sensitive, and expected. Collect feedback so that it can be improved.

7. Combine AI Insights for Advanced Scenarios

To extract the text contained in images or documents that are part of the report, use Azure AI Image Analytics to get the text translated within pictures with an embedded transcription import preview.

Incorporate and use these translations in your report dynamically, as with text fields.

With these solutions, it is possible to generate Power BI reports that combine multilanguage support with regional adaptability, thus increasing usability and user-friendliness across a wide audience.

answered Nov 28, 2024 by pooja
• 16,780 points
Consider adding practical examples and screenshots to illustrate key steps for better clarity and usability.
0 votes
Creating a transition between translations using a local key table in Power BI through DAX measures and slicers will help to switch dynamic things in the report by either user selection or Power BI Service locale settings.
answered Feb 19 by anonymous
• 3,440 points

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